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Greetings Patrons! 

The last month has been busier than ever and I haven't had time for a lot of writing. Here's a quick breakdown of some important things. 

  • I haven't had time to address as many of the May questions as I'd like. As a result, I'm going to keep answering questions on the May thread over the weekend and I will start a new questions thread for June on Monday. 
  • Keith-Baker.com is currently down. I have some decisions to make regarding hosting and revamping the overall design, and that's going to take some time. It WILL be back, one way or another, so don't worry about that—but it may take a little while. 
  • Since the site is down, I'm going to post a few of the IFAQ-length answers to questions in the "Keith Answers" Threshold Discord channel. You can access the Discord here, though you do have to be a Threshold patron to access the patron channels. If you're not a Threshold patron or don't like Discord, you can always find my answers in the thread, it's just a packed thread! 
  • Other patreon exclusive plans this month: a playable Droaamite ancestry from Frontiers, another live AMA, and session 19 of Frontiers. 
  • Speaking of Frontiers, I am going to continue running the Frontiers campaign until Frontiers of Eberron is released this year, however long that takes. Thanks to Matthew Johnson for the new image of Rolan Harn that accompanies this post! 

That's all for now -- thanks for your patience and ongoing support!




Just throwing it out here, although I appreciate it's most likely not feasible. I'd love to listen to a manifest zone podcast where Keith Baker talks a bit about his project Threshold and Imogen talks about the work she's doing for Frontiers :)