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Hello everyone!

May has been a crazy month, for both professional and personal reasons... if you're a new supporter you might be thinking "Does Keith actually DO anything?" I do! I ran Session 18 of Frontiers last weekend and that will be posted soon; I'll be getting back to the Questions Thread; and I have a few articles in the pipeline, including a including the Khorvaire in the Age of Monsters Dragonmark and a Patreon Preview for you all.

However, it's going to be a few days before I can get to any of that, and I wanted to do something I can do easily with my current schedule... So I figured I'd do a live chat on the Threshold Discord. You've got to be at the Threshold level for this, so if you've been on the fence about bumping it up, this might be the time!

But speaking of time, the question is WHEN to do this? I know you're all spread across time zones, so I'm going to offer some times that work well for me. I'm going to attempt to record it, so if you can't make the time we settle on, you should still be able to experience it.

So, pick a time below, and I hope to see you in a few days!

UPDATE: The first time slot on Wednesday is 4 - 5:30, NOT 4-3:30. I am not, in fact, going to talk for 23 hours. Sadly, I can't change the poll options now it's live. 


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