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I'm busier than ever with travel and unpleasant IRL stuff, but April is drawing to a close and we've got a game to play, so let's get to it! Tomorrow I will post a poll to let you help choose a new player character who will have a role to play in this next session. I've got a few ideas, but feel free to pitch your own ideas in the comments and to like ideas that others have suggested; if any fit with my agenda, I may add them to the poll.

If you're a new patron, you can find recaps of all of the previous episodes on the Kanka website. If you already have access to the site and just want a reminder of what happened, Elly Runnalls has provided a recap of the entire campaign! You can also ask questions on the Threshold Discord channel.

So, let's choose a time! Patrons who played in Session 17 aren't eligible for this session, everyone else is. Vote for as many slots as you want, but as always, please DO NOT VOTE for a time you cannot play in; it can really mess things up. Note that the times are in PACIFIC time. Because we're running out of time, the polls will be short duration, so vote now! Also, I can’t edit the poll, but the final option is 5 PM - 9 PM, not 5 AM - 9 PM!

If you have any questions about how this works, post them here. Thanks for your support!



We aren't going anywhere Keith. Take care of yourself 🤗

Matthew Johnson

It was mentioned in last game that we don't have a representative of the Sovereign Host officially in the PCs. I can't remember if it was an Arawai or Boldrei cleric that was brought up last game. Or maybe one devoted to Balinor? A ranger/cleric with that devotion would fit in a border town such as Threshold i think. Could give that one some Thrashk lineage for more House representation too. Alternately, a Dragonborn Chamber memeber might fit in given recent events and clues.