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Hi Everyone!

I'm on my way back from MegaCon, where I was playing D&D with Mark Meer, Vince Caso, Elisa Teague and more -- you should be able to see those games on Six Sides of Gaming in the future. This week I'm working on the KHORVAIRE IN THE AGE OF GIANTS Dragonmark, but in the meantime, let's get new questions.

Because my time is limited, I will not be able to answer every question; simple questions are the best questions. If I can answer a question in five minutes here, I'll probably answer it. If it would take significant research or an hour of work to answer a question, I probably can't. Feel free to ask questions that didn't get answered in a previous month—there are always some good ones I can't get to!—just know that I won't be able to get to them all. In addition, I will only answer one question per patron. You can ASK more than one, because one may be easier for me to answer than another, but I'll only answer one.

Also, congratulations to the Gargoyle for their long-awaited victory in the Race of Eight Winds! Just remember that everyone wearing Race colors gets 10% off at the Bazaar of Dura until the end of the week. Because whoever actually wins the Race, the Owl is working for you! 

Thanks for your support!



Would it make sense for Belashyrra and his cults to have an interest in painting and illustrating, as they are a visual medium that can evoke thoughts and emotion? Could you suggest a few ways such a painter cult could appear on Eberron and be used?


Whats the state of/ETA on organised sports are there in Eberron? You’ve discussed Hrazhak before but do you envision an Olympic Games or multinational sporting league coming to Khorvaire’s future?


Certainly, it makes sense that there would be *A* cult tied to Belashyrra that would have an interest in painting and illustrating... or individual artists inspired by visions from Belashyrra. Such a cult could pursue cartomancy (https://keith-baker.com/ifaq-cartomancy/), painting decks that reveal terrifying truths. They could could be guerilla graffiti artists, painting murals in the great cities that trigger powerful emotion or reveal disturbing secrets. The principle's not unlike The King In Yellow of Robert Chambers; the idea that there could be works of art so profound that the human mind can't handle them.


Would the King in Yellow, the play, be a valid vector for daelkyric influence in Eberron? Would it be transmissible through Phiarlan crystal theaters?


Either way, it is a fascinating response. Would I be permitted to take a screen capture of it and share it?


Sure, go ahead. And yes, while I personally wouldn't use it directly, the idea of The King in Yellow (the play) is absolutely something I would see as being an example of how daelkyric influence could manifest.