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Greetings, Threshold Patrons! It's been more than a minute since the last Frontiers session, but it's time to get this story rolling again. As discussed previously, I'm planning to do a 3-4 session arc to wrap things up... and that story begins here. 

If you're a new patron, you can find recaps of all of the previous episodes on the Kanka website. If you already have access to the site and just want a reminder of what happened, Elly Runnalls has provided a recap of the entire campaign! You can also ask questions on the Threshold Discord channel.

We don't have a very big window for game times, I'm afraid. I'm traveling this week, and at the end of the month I'll be at MegaCon in Orlando, Florida—if anyone's going to be at MegaCon let me know in the comments, because if there's enough patrons maybe I'll host a meetup. Anyhow, our target time is the weekend of the 24th-26th. Patrons who played in the Siberspace finale aren't eligable for this session, everyone else is. Vote for as many slots as you want, but as always, please DO NOT VOTE for a time you cannot play in; it can really mess things up. Note that the times are in PACIFIC time.

If you have any questions about how this works, post them here. Thanks for your support!


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