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In the poll I just ran, the New Frontier narrowly beat out Threshold Unchanged. So I am going to start running a campaign that explores this new setting. However, there's a number of factors to consider. While I have concrete ideas about the new frontier, I need to find time to write things up in more detail and to create a solid foundation to share with all of you. In addition, starting a new campaign means making a new set of player characters—an interactive process that takes time. Beyond that, there was strong support for Threshold Unchanged, and I myself feel an attachment to the story we all created together. 

So, once again, my answer to all this is to say Why not both? My current plan is to run a 4-session arc in Threshold Classic, which will allow us to get a little more time with our familiar characters and to get a little closure to the storyline. While that is going on, I'll be developed the new frontier and once that's far enough along, we'll go through the process of character creation, along with polls providing inspiration for other elements of the campaign. 

So I will have a few polls about the Threshold Finale Arc in the next few weeks, and we will start the new campaign in March, with the expectation of launching the new frontier campaign in July. My current intention is to start the campaign using 5E, but as I said I want to try out other systems over the course of the campaign; which systems I explore will probably be a topic of a future poll! 

Thanks as always for your ongoing support! 




I’ve mentioned it before in one of your monthly question posts, but I’d love to see you try Pathfinder 2e! This could be an awesome opportunity for that.


The setting itself would probably do best as system agnostic if you'd ask me but yeah, trying a different system would be interesting.


Oh yeah. Keith says in his post that he’s starting with 5e because that’s what he knows best, but will be experimenting with other systems throughout the campaign. There are a lot of systems I’d love to see Keith take a stab at. PF2e, 13th Age (He’s written how to Eberron-ify it, so we know he has experience with it), some of Free League’s systems like One Ring 2e, and Fantasy AGE are some of the first ones I think of.