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With the Twitterverse on the verge of collapse, I've been posting a few outtakes I've never shared from the earliest version of Eberron. One of these was the symbol for a Sharn vigilante known as the Beholder. People expressed interest, so I decided to share what I originally wrote about her. Keep in mind that this was written almost twenty years ago, and never edited or revised; it's a glimpse of the past. Hopefully you'll enjoy it! Meanwhile, for those of you who wish to avoid the quagmire of tweets, here's the other things I shared: 

An early Path of Light symbol

The Cult of the Inner Sun

The Inner Sun was the first pass at the Cults of the Dragon Below. It survives in the Vale of the Inner Sun and as a path within the cults, I just expanded the concept beyond them. 

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Patreon Flashback: The Beholder

The sigil of the Beholder, by Lee Moyer The mysterious stranger danced between the ogre thugs, dodging their heavy blows with effortless grace. But it was a deadly dance; silver and steel flashed i...


Remi Garreau

This is absolutely killer. I'd love more costumed vigilantes in the setting!


The three cults seem very interesting.