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This Patreon essentially began as a tip jar for people who wanted to support the long articles on my website. Those articles typically fell into one of two categories—the deep-dive Dragonmark articles (some of which are over 10,000 words in length) and casual Q&A articles. Given their length and depth, it can take me as long as two weeks to write a Dragonmark article. The primary benefit of the Patreon was being able to vote on the topic of the next Dragonmark. 

In 2021 I added the Threshold level. In addition to giving people a chance to play in the monthly game, I started running polls, creating characters, and occasionally story hours, and what I discovered is that I LIKE doing small interactive products. I started doing the shorter IFAQ articles, and doing things like the Residents of New Cyre tables—things that don't take weeks to write. 

Looking ahead, I feel like I'd like to move away from the massive dragonmark articles and instead focus on smaller, more frequent articles, most of which would be exclusive to the Patreon (as the support of the Patreon will determine how much time I have to write the articles!). The goal would be to have more things that you can potentially use immediately. A few things I'm considering...

  • Rogues Gallery. An interesting NPC described in a few paragraphs, along with a set of hooks for working them into a campaign and potentially a portrait. 
  • Location, Location... An interesting location described in two to three paragraphs. This could expand on an existing Eberron location (What's the deal with Slug Keep?) or it could be an establishment—like an unusual inn—that could appear where needed. 
  • Plot Hooks. An interesting event or situation that could inspire an adventure or add color to a scene. 
  • Random Rolls. A random table in the model of the Residents of New Cyre table. Tables for generating Droaamite mercenaries, Phiarlan entertainers, interesting taverns, and more. 
  • Bestiary. How would I incorporate a particular creature or species into Eberron? You can see examples of this on the website now with my articles on Hags, Mummies, Sphinxes, and Ghost Stories.
  • Conversions. In the model of my Dunamancy and Blood Hunter articles, how would I adapt a particular mechanical element to my campaign? 

All of these would be quick pieces; depending on support I could potentially do more than one a week. These could be related by a theme—in October, I could be a series of spooky people, places, and plots—or remain unique. 

With that said, I'm also curious what people would like to keep of the current features. I will definitely be continuing the Threshold campaign, so that's not on the table. But I would love to know how much people are invested in the Monthly Question Thread; if people enjoy getting previews of my current articles (like the Sylbaran preview I've just posted!), or if people would prefer to keep the long Dragonmark articles instead of the shorter ideas. I'm also curious if people would like more live Q&As—whether over video or Discord chat. 

There's no limits on the poll: vote for EVERYTHING YOU'D LIKE TO SEE. The only limitation is that the Dragonmark articles are basically mutually exclusive with shorter articles because of the amount of time they take; it's really one or the other. WITH THAT SAID, it’s still quite possible that I could do Dragonmarks, just more infrequently… every few months instead of every month. Also, I didn’t include IFAQs on this list because they’re a side effect of the monthly questions thread; if I’m answering short questions, I’ll post some of those answers as articles.

This is purely a way to help me brainstorm. Are there other things you'd like to see on the Patreon? Post ideas in the comments. And thank you for your support! 



I love the Dragonmark format – I just learn so much in every article. That said, I would be totally happy with more frequent articles aimed at what I could immediately use, with perhaps a Dragonmark once per quarter? Whatever you decide, you provide a ton of value already. I’ll certainly stick around.


I'd be sad if Dragonmarks ceased to be... but then I voted for other things instead. I really like the format in VGtR for the Domains of Dread gazeteer (which reminded me in some ways of Dragons of Eberron). It would be great to see (say) adding NPCs, Adventure Hooks and random tables to the RfTLW Khorvaire Gazteteer or other locations of interest. Also I would be sad if much content ended up purely behind the Patreon paywall, it would be great to see it develop here before going to the website or a DMGuild (or even WotC) product. The loss of the wizards/dnd archive site makes me fear for content not visible to the wayback machine.