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Greetings, Threshold patrons!

The first session of the Siberspace campaign happened last Saturday. There's been a few delays in editing, but the session should be available by Monday the 5th at the latest. Meanwhile, I will be at DragonCon this weekend—I hope I'll see some of you there! After that, I'm taking my first true vacation in a long time and I will be offline until September 15th. 

My vacation complicates things. Part of the idea of the Siberspace campaign is to explore the evolution of Spelljamming in Eberron—the idea that this first session involved the first expedition to the Ring using largely untested arcane science, while by the end of it we should be having freewheeling adventures in space. All along my idea is that important things will happen between sessions, and that you all have a chance to decide how the Dragonhawk Initiative is investing its energy and interacting with others. I'd also like to do a story hour following up on something that happened. But we can't discuss priorities or follow-up events until you've actually had a chance to see the episode. However, I do want to keep things moving! So for today, I want to ask you what dramatic event happens between Episodes one and two that doesn't involve what happened in Episode one? The world isn't standing still while we're in space. While Aurala has her eye on the Moons, what happens down below? Session 1 occurs mid 999 YK. So, what happens toward the end of the year? 

I'm presenting a number of ideas in three categories. I'm not going to go into too much detail, but Boranel falling ill would heighten the question of what will happen if he dies. The Coup in Karrnath suggests that Drago Thul—introduced in City of Stormreach—has amassed sufficient support within warlords and Karrnathi military to cleanly seize power in Karrnath; Kaius III would be on the run. Drago dismissed Kaius's pursuit of peace, and at the very least, his seizing power would push a more aggressive agenda for the Blade of Siberys. Likewise, if Cannith East has a major breakthrough, it would also strengthen the Blade of Siberys. 

If any of the "Tensions Rise" options are picked, I'll add details about what causes the tensions to rise; the point is that nothing is happening in this cycle, but it could push an action next cycle. 

Pick as many ideas as you like; if there's strong support for many ideas, more than one could come to pass. And don't forget about the Threshold Discord channel if you'd like to discuss these options! 

Thanks for your support!



I love a good in-house factional conflict. As far as your vacation — enjoy it! Meanwhile I will imagine how cool it would be to play out the next session with you in person at a cafe overlooking a beach on the Amalfi Coast! One day, perhaps!


Don't get me wrong; I love me some House infighting. But we've got five sessions left of this story, and there hasn't been a sniff of Cannith in it so far. Personally, I think the Eldeen/Aundair tensions ratcheting up would be a great point of drama and conflict for our cast, and could lead to some really cool moments.

Remi Garreau

Yeah, I’m desperate for a reason to care about the Eldeen. There’s no shortage of Cannith content out in the world already.