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GAME TIME: Sunday, July 31st 3:00 PM - 7:00 PM Pacific Time

Greetings, Threshold supporters!

The next Threshold session will be Sunday, July 31st from 3 PM-7 PM Pacific Time. While 

For people new to Threshold, the session isn't streamed live, but it will be released about a week after the session. 

This session takes place about a week after Session 16, and we'll catch up with the state of the town following that excitement. However, the session should be fairly self contained, so feel free to apply even if you aren't caught up with the campaign! The only thing that really matters is to know about the character you want to play, and descriptions of the cast can be found on Kanka

This session will be anchored on our Khoravar wandslinger, Three-Widow Jane. All other characters are available, except for Rolan (due to the events of Session 15). This includes Kala Sar'kaas, Sheriff Constable, and Sarvus'kor. I haven't yet updated SK's Kanka sheet, but I will when I have time—and thanks to the poll, we know she has visions tied to the Draconic Prophecy. 

Because of the rules of Patreon, I can't choose players at random; there has to be an actual contest. If you would like to play in this session, here's the rules:

  • Send an email to threshold.eberron@gmail.com
  • Include the name of the character you most want to play in the subject line. All characters are available except for Rolan. 
  • Everyone has had a week to relax since the last session. In the body of your email, tell me what your chosen character has been doing during that past week. Please limit your answer to a paragraph. To increase your chances, you can apply for multiple characters... but answer the question for each character you apply for.
  • The people who played in the most recent session (June) aren't eligible to play in this one.
  • Your answer must be submitted by 6 PM Pacific time on Thursday, July 28th, so move fast!

Thanks for your support! If you have any questions, post them below.


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