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Greetings, Patrons! 

I am still sick with COVID, which is taking a toll on my energy and brainpower. Because of this, progress has been slow on the Sky Pirates article. I'm starting to get better, but I'm definitely not fully operational. However, July is well underway so I wanted to get a questions thread going. 

With that said: As always, I will limit myself to one question per patron and I'm not going to be able to answer every question. But that's especially true this month as I'm stuck with COVID and will need to catch up with all my other work once I'm back on my feet. With that in mind, simple is good. If I can answer a question in a few sentences, I may have the energy to do so. If an answer would require a lot of research or an article, well, I still need to finish my current article. 

So please, ask questions—just keep in mind that the simpler the question, the higher chance that I will be able to answer it. 

Thanks for your support! 


Eric Christian Berg

Am I correct in thinking that the Ghaash'kala speak Orcish instead of Goblin?


It’s certainly the most logical answer. The Ghaash’kala are an isolationist culture who would have no reason to adopt Goblin during the Age of Monsters. The drawback to this is that it leaves a Ghaash’kala PC speaking a language that is rarely going to come up in play. With this in mind, I’d probably consider offer the PC a minor secondary benefit—they speak Orcish, but they also have proficiency with smith’s tools, reflecting the need to the Ghaash’kala to keep their weapons in to condition. Essentially, it’s a sort of background feature.

Eric Christian Berg

What did the pre-Mourning demographics for Cyre look like?