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GAME TIME: Saturday, June 25th 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM Pacific Time

Greetings, Threshold supporters!

The next Threshold session will be Saturday, June 25th from 9 AM-1 PM Pacific Time. While Friday afternoon was the most popular option, I have realized that I'm going to need Friday night to WRITE the adventure—I just don't have time to have it all ready by Friday afternoon. But I will make sure to make that time an option again in the future!

For people new to Threshold, the session isn't streamed live, but it will be released in the week following.

This session follows up on Session 14 and the Story Hour on Discord. The adventurers have discovered that the ancient Dhakaani foundry has been occupied  by a force of goblins (which alert readers will recognize as the Kech Nasaar). They're going to Sheriff Constable to plan a course of action. Kala and Friends are still in Thelanis, so the following characters are available: Rolan, Sheriff Constable, Deven, Vael, Three Widow Jane, Bel, and Ink

Because of the rules of Patreon, I can't choose players at random; there has to be an actual contest. If you would like to play in this session, here's the rules:

  • Send an email to threshold.eberron@gmail.com
  • Include the name of the character you most want to play in the subject line. Only the seven characters mentioned above are available.
  • In the body of the email, tell me how this character feels about this situation. Do you view the goblins as invaders who must be driven out at all costs? Are you concerned about the risks to the town? To increase your chances, you can apply for multiple characters... but answer the question for each character you apply for.
  • The people who played in the most recent session (May) aren't eligible to play in this one.
  • Your answer must be submitted by Noon Pacific time on Wednesday, June 22nd, so move fast! 

Thanks for your support! If you have any questions, post them below.


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