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In a typical campaign, characters evolve over time. We're just finished the 14th session of Threshold, and the characters have been through a lot together. But because of the process of constantly switching players, it's hard to have that typical evolution occur; one player may not feel comfortable making a decision that has a dramatic impact on a shared character. 

Notably, the last few sessions have placed pressure on Deven to decide where his loyalties lie. In a previous story hour he had to decide how much to reveal to his bosses about the events in the mine. In this last session, Rolan gets a notable hint that there's more to this simple tailor than he's let on. This is a point where things could change for Deven—so rather than putting the decision on a single player's shoulders, I want us to decide together.  There's a few ways this could go. 

  • Deven continues exactly as he has to this point, claiming to be a simple tailor and continuing to report to the Khesh'dar. 
  • Deven walks a middle path. "Yes, I do have ties to another organization, and it may provide me with useful information from time to time, but I assure you that my devotion to my family and our town is real." He shares this with a few key people—Rolan, Ink—but does his best to remain loyal to both dar and to Threshold. He'll reveal secrets that he feels have a real impact on the town, but he's not going to be an open book. 
  • Deven decides that he can't continue living a double life and tenders his resignation to the Khesh'dar. The followup question is whether he'd share his former job with his friends, or if he'd just say "You don't need to worry about it." Of course, the Khesh'dar might not just accept his resignation...

Once we've decided WHAT he's going to share, the question is who he'll share with. Ink's his best friend, and Rolan is someone he generally trusts and is going to be looking for answers. Will he open up to some of the other trustworthy residents? To the whole gang? What about his family? 

If you choose Middle Path or Open Retirement, I'll probably do a story hour on the Discord to play out the subsequent conversation. If it's Unchanging or Silent Retirement, that probably won't be necessary. 

Thanks for your support!



The Silent Clans weren’t named randomly. Their reputation for silence and stealth — mission-first operational security, if you will — dates back to old Dhakaan. The obvious parallel here is Elim Garak from Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. No simple tailor, his lies were multi-layered, enhanced by his charming manner and quick wit. But underneath it all he was Obsidian Order.


Garak is, in my mind, the example of the Middle Path. By a certain point in DS9, JULIAN understood that Garak had ties to the Order and wasn't just the simple tailor he appeared to be. If he takes the Middle Path, Deven won't just blurt out "I'm Khesh'dar! Let me tell you about our recognition codes!" He'll still be loyal to the Khesh'dar and still doing his job. But he'd be willing to reveal that he's more than just a tailor, bending his cover a little when necessary to help his friends. He wouldn't be worried about using his skills around his friends, and he'd be willing to share information that he clearly shouldn't have as a tailor, likely saying that it came from his "extended family." If he's walking the Middle Path it's a bit of a wink; Rolan will know that when Deven talks about his "extended family" he's talking about the Khesh'dar, and Deven will know Rolan knows, but he's still never going to say the words "Khesh'dar."


Over the course of years Garak’s basic story changed: He was an exile who didn’t return with the rest of Dukat’s garrison, then he was a former spy facing a death sentence back home, then Enabran Tain comes along and he’s Garak’s mentor — oh wait, turns out he’s Garak’s father(!) — and btw, for an ex-spy facing a death sentence he almost single-handedly dragged the famously reclusive and secrecy-obsessed Romulans into a galactic war they had no intention of joining. If Deven has even a fraction of that going on, he will be an endless source of fascinating hints, story beats and also be either the secret ally or secret enemy the party doesn’t know about until the moment of maximum drama.