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GAME TIME: Saturday, May 28th 2:00 PM - 6:00 PM Pacific Time

Greetings, Threshold supporters!

The next Threshold session will be Saturday, May 28th from 2 PM-6 PM Pacific Time. For people new to Threshold, it's not streamed live, but it will be released in the week following.

In this session we'll be exploring what happened in Threshold after Kala and her friends went to Thelanis. This will follow up on the events of Session 11, and I'd suggest that you watch or listen to that previous session or read the recap on Kanka. I'd like to see Deven and Rolan in this session; Bel, Ink, Vael, Three Widow Jane are also available. We still need to work out some details about Sarvus'kor, so I'm going to leave her out of this session. 

In short, in Session 11 Honoria Soldorak sent adventurers to clear basilisks out of the old mine she'd purchased, and in the process they discovered that it contains a Dhakaani byeshk foundry and discovered a handful of Dhakaani survivors, who had been preserved through petrification. For this month's challenge, I want to know how your chosen character(s) feels about the mine and these goblin survivors. Do you want to get to know them? Are you frightened of them? Do you support Honoria's claim to the mine, or does the existence of survivors change things? 

Because of the rules of Patreon, I can't choose players at random; there has to be an actual contest. If you would like to play in this session, here's the rules:

  • Send an email to threshold.eberron@gmail.com
  • Include the name of the character you most want to play in the subject line. Only the six characters mentioned above are available.
  • In the body of the email, tell me how this character feels about the ancient goblins and the old mine.  To increase your chances, you can apply for multiple characters... but answer the question for each character you apply for.
  • The people who played in the most recent session (April) aren't eligible to play in this one.
  • Your answer must be submitted by Noon Pacific time on Tuesday, May 24th.

Thanks for your support! If you have any questions, post them below.


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