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A number of the questions in this month's questions thread relate to the Eldeen Reaches—from the role of centaurs to the threat posed by fiends from the Demon Wastes. As I answered these, it triggered an avalanche of thoughts about the Reaches, both relating to the past and the present. So, here you go!

Because of the limits on my time I'm not going to be answering questions posed directly on the post. However, you can always post additional Eldeen questions on the April Question thread, if I haven't already answered on this month! 

Thanks for your support!


Dragonmark: The Roots of the Reaches

These people fall into two distinct cultures: the farming folk of the eastern plains and the people of the woods. The farmers live on the eastern edge of the Towering Wood. Their ancestors were citizens of Aundair, but their grandparents and great-grandparents turned against the lords of Aundair during the Last War, when the princes of Galifar abandoned them.


Joseph Meehan

Oooh, Patreon Exclusive Wild Heart article coming this month!