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Greetings, Patrons!

Later this month I want to do a few polls to reevaluate the type of content I'm producing, to make sure I'm using my time effectively and that patronage is worthwhile for all of you. However, for now we'll continue with the usual call for questions. Keep in mind that I often receive dozens of questions in a month, and try as I might, I will not be able to answer every question. To increase the odds of getting an answer, consider the guidelines below.

  • Given the volume of questions I receive, I limit myself to answering one question per patron per month. You can ASK multiple questions, because it may be one is easier for me to answer than another—but if you ask seven questions, I'm only going to answer one of them.
  • If I can answer a question in 2-3 sentences, I may answer it here (as a reply to your comment). If I can answer a question in 2-3 paragraphs, it may be answered as an IFAQ article, but I only have time to post a few IFAQs per month. If it would take 2-3 pages to answer the question, that's a Dragonmark article, and I generally can only write one of those in a month. So in short, the longer and more complicated the question, the lower the chance that I'll have time to answer it.
  • If I would have to do significant research to answer a question (whether that's studying a real-world historical movement or third-party D&D supplement) that increases its effective size; even if it will only take three sentences to answer the question, if I have to do three hours of research first, it's going to go to the bottom of the slush pile. 
  • I'm more likely to spend time on a complex question if the topic seems like it will interest a significant number of people. So when you're looking through the thread, like questions you'd like to see answered! 

If you asked a question in a previous month that didn't get an answer, you can always ask it again, but consider as to how these guidelines apply. I do my best, but time is always the enemy. As a side note: Questions don't have to be about Eberron! I'm happy to answer questions about Gloom, Phoenix: Dawn Command, world building, or anything else that I do. 

As always, thanks for your support!



Copying a question seen in the article comments, "When it comes to other worlds Exploring Eberron says, “But the other rat is still out there—forgotten and lost, huddled in a corner, but still alive.” Without a connection to the planes there would obviously be a lack of manifest zones. I’m curious, what arcane, supernatural, and otherworldly phenomena would occur on world no longer progressing through the maze? What might be some of the defining features of such forgotten worlds?""


Where do Gem Dragonborn fit into Eberron? If I recall correctly the Gem Dragons are tied with the version of Eberron that the Gith came from, so would the Gem Dragonborn live amongst the Githyanki and Githzerai?


It's an excellent question with a complicated answer, but I can only answer one question per patron per month. But if you want to revisit it next month I'd be happy to discuss it!