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It's time to select the time of the next Threshold game session! In order to make the game as accessible as possible to different patrons, I run the game at a different time each month. Once we've selected the time of the game, I'll pose a creative challenge, and anyone who would like to play responds to the challenge. So this post is to choose a time. You can pick any number of options, but don't vote for a game time unless you can actually play at that time. My goal is to find a time that provides an opportunity to as many players as possible, and if you vote for a time you can't actually play it just confuses things. People who played in January are ineligible to play in this session.

As hinted at in the Discord story hour, this session is going to involve Kala Sar'kaas—our newly minted Eloquence Bard Sage—and her quest to save her brother, Squirt. Kala and Briar will be required PCs; I think it makes sense for Deven to participate, but if no one wants to play him, he'll stay behind to keep an eye on the Dhakaani. 

Post any questions below. Thanks for your support!


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