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We've had a significant number of patrons join since the last Threshold session, so I want to give a quick overview of how things work! Each month, I run a four-hour session of Threshold. The story and the cast of characters is consistent, but the players change each session. Because of the rules of Patreon, I can't pick players at random; I have to pose some sort of creative challenge. So next week, the first thing I'll do is to post a poll that will determine the date and time of the session. Once that's resolved I'll post details and a simple challenge; anyone who wants to play submits an entry and says which character they'd like to play. 

There's three ways to catch up on the story. You can listen to or watch our past sessions here on Patreon; use the "Threshold Episode" tag to find them. The campaign site has details on all of the characters (along with links to their sheets) and recaps of most of the previous episodes. Finally, you can talk to the rest of the community on the Threshold channels on the Discord server, as well as catching up on story hours.

Speaking of story hours, the last one ended with an event that sets our next story in motion. The goblin tailor Deven Sar'kaas has been one of our characters since the campaign began. We'd had some hints that his teenage daughter Kala has been up to something... and now we find that she's traded her baby brother for, among other things, a beautiful kuulas—a three-stringed goblin instrument that's somewhere between a fiddle and an erhu. I presented a simple version of Kala in a previous session, but now that she's going to be an actual player character I want to give you all a chance to shape her abilities. You may say "Kala's a teenager! How can she come in at the same level as our experienced adventurers?"  Well, Kala is a remarkable prodigy, but the idea is also that some of her abilities are tied to her kuulas and the bargain that she's made. People SHOULD be surprised by her abilities... and it's always possible, depending how the story goes, that she should lose them. 

So what we know about Kala Sar'kaas is that she's the goblin equivalent of a teenager; that she's an excellent musician ("Kala" means "Singer" in Goblin); and that she has a gothic sensibility and writes gloomy poetry. She's made a bargain with an Archfey that has given her greater abilities, so she COULD be a warlock; but she could just as easily be a bard or a rogue, with the explanation that her class abilities are tied to her pact. 

So... let's make a few decisions about Kala! When it comes to Background, it's mainly about the tone of her character. She won't suddenly gain a "Popular Demand" reputation as an Entertainer; the question is whether, at her core, she's an entertainer and musician; is she a scoundrel who's always going to get into trouble; or is she actually drawn to the pursuit of knowledge? Essentially, for Kala, her background really represents who she WILL be as opposed to who she's been. 

Thanks for your support: let's make some decisions! And thanks to Dylan Ramsey for the image of the Sar'kaas family!



What happened to the Kala story on Discord? Until the Deven/Ink/Dhakaani(previously stoned) conversation, I thought hers was the last in "story".


It was unfinished and not something I have time to address at the moment, and I didn't like starting a new story with the old one unfinished. So I've removed it for now. I'll bring it back when there's time -- though the events of the next session may cause me to rethink things.