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GAME TIME: Monday, November 29th 2:00 PM - 6:00 PM Pacific Time

Greetings, Threshold supporters!

The next Threshold session will be Monday, November 29th from 2 PM-6 PM Pacific Time. For people new to Threshold, it's not streamed live, but it will be released in the week following. This session picks up two days after the Soldorak Ball, when the Ardev train comes sparking into town. One thing we know for sure is that wandslinger Dol Rani is on that train. 

Dol Rani is an infamous wandslinger who styles herself "the Queen of Wands". She's Aundairian, and she's got a grudge with Jane; at the moment, that's all we know about her. You're going to help me flesh out a few details. 

For folks who are new to this process, because of the rules of Discord, I can't choose players at random; there has to be some sort of actual contest. If you would like to play in this session, here's the rules:

  • Send an email to threshold.eberron@gmail.com
  • Include the name of the character you most want to play in the subject line.
  • In the body of the email, tell me something you've heard about Dol Rani. This could be a rumor or a story just about the Queen of Wands, or it could tie to her relationship with Three-Widow Jane. .
  • Three-Widow Jane WILL be in the session, and I'd like to see Sora and Rolan. However, all characters are available. Please tell me your top three choices, since I expect overlap. 
  • ALL PLAYERS ARE WELCOME. Because of the limited response to the time poll, I am making this session available to all players regardless of when they've last played. 
  • Your answer must be submitted by Noon Pacific time on Friday, November 26th.

As always, thank you all for your support—none of this would be possible without it!


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