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August is over! I've just posted an IFAQ with a few of the questions people asked last month that didn't become articles, and now it's time for a new round of questions. In an ideal world, I would be able to answer everyone's questions every month. In THIS world, this simply isn't possible, but I like to do what I can. For those who are new to the IFAQ process, here's how it works.

  • Given the volume of questions I receive, I limit myself to answering one question per patron per month, to try to spread my time out as evenly as possible. You can ASK multiple questions, because it may be one is easier for me to answer than another—but if you ask seven questions, I'm only going to answer one of them.
  • If I can answer a question in 2-3 sentences, I will answer it here (as a reply to your comment). If I can answer a question in 2-3 paragraphs, it may be answered as an IFAQ article, but I only have time to post 1-3 IFAQs per month. If it would take me 2-3 pages to answer a question, odds are good I'm just not going to have time to take it on this month. So the tighter the focus of your question, the greater the chance I'll be able to answer it. In choosing topics for IFAQ articles, I look for questions that could interest a wide audience or be applicable to many campaigns.
  • If I would have to do significant research to answer a question,  it's probably going to get passed over. I wish I had the time to tackle complex questions, but with all my IRL issues I definitely don't this month. So I love questions like this—but the simple fact is that if I need to do an hour of research to properly answer a question, it's not going to happen this month.

If you asked a question didn't get answered in a previous month, you're always welcome to ask it again, though consider how these guidelines apply! There's always good questions I just don't have time to answer.

That's it. As always, thanks for your support!


IFAQ: August Lightning Round!

As time permits, I like to answer interesting questions posed by my Patreon supporters. Sometimes these are weighty topics-like whaling or medusa reproduction-that require a full article. Others I just answer directly on Patreon. Here's a few of those short answers from last month! Nope!



What do the Valaes Tairn do when they aren't fighting? Would there be a reason for a group of warriors to be in Sharn besides looking for an artifact of some kind?


What they do when not fighting depends on their patron ancestor. Tairnadal seek to emulate their patrons at all times, not just in battle; so what was their patrons known for? Were they explorers? Entertainers? Arcane researchers? With that said, as long as it doesn't directly oppose what their patrons would do, Tairnadal can also pursue their own interests when there's no clearly mandated path.


With the Krakens being children of Khyber, do they have a Heart Demiplane of sorts, in the same vein as the First Night?


The crucial question is whether a kraken can die. Krakens are titans, and Exploring Eberron iestablishes that they have existed since the Age of Demons. But are they truly immortal -- meaning that even if killed, they will return -- or are they just immune to age and disease? This is really a question for the DM: Do you want your adventurers to be able to destroy a kraken, or, like the overlords, is a victory over a kraken always only temporary?