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I'm dealing with a lot of intense things at the moment, but I've also had some time in the air and thought I'd use it to write about the water, so here's an article about THE BARREN SEA. It doesn't match all canon sources, but that's OK because some of those canon sources contradict each other! I hope you enjoy it, and thanks again for making these articles possible. 


Dragonmarks: The Barren Sea

As time permits, I like to answer interesting questions from patrons. Here's a recent one... Is there anything going on in the Barren Sea beyond well... A lack of anything really? What would that be? Good question! The Player's Guide to Eberron has this to say: The Barren Sea is so called because it is poor for fishing and devoid of apparent life.



I love this interpretation of Kuo Toa.


Thanks Keith!