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Greetings, Patrons!

In an ideal world, I would be able to answer everyone's questions every month. In THIS world, life continues to be hectic and it simply isn't possible. For those who are new to the IFAQ process, here's how it works.

  • Given the volume of questions I receive, I limit myself to answering one question per patron per month, to try to spread my time out as evenly as possible. You can ASK multiple questions, because it may be one is easier for me to answer than another—but if you ask seven questions, I'm only going to answer one of them.
  • If I can answer a question in 2-3 sentences, I will answer it here (as a reply to your comment). If I can answer a question in 2-3 paragraphs, it may be answered as an IFAQ article, but I only have time to post 1-3 IFAQs per month. If it would take me 2-3 pages to answer a question, odds are good I'm just not going to have time to take it on this month. So the tighter the focus of your question, the greater the chance I'll be able to answer it. In choosing topics for IFAQ articles, I look for questions that could interest a wide audience or be applicable to many campaigns.
  • If I would have to do significant research to answer a question,  it's probably going to get passed over. I wish I had the time to tackle complex questions, but with all my IRL issues I definitely don't this month. So I love questions like this—but the simple fact is that if I need to do an hour of research to properly answer a question, it's not going to happen this month.

If you asked a question didn't get answered in a previous month, you're always welcome to ask it again, though consider how these guidelines apply! There's always good questions I just don't have time to answer.

That's it. As always, thanks for your support!



Can Warforged get the Mark of Making? I know they can get aberrant dragonmarks but is it possible due the Mourning or some other means a Warforged Artificer gets the Mark of Making and it functions as with Human. It’s possible that the Cannith Heir Died in the Mourning and the Warforged he created absorbed the Mark and was able to escape the devastation. Ty.


Sure! This is something that has never happened and that should be completely impossible. But player characters are SUPPOSED to be remarkable, and the story you describe—Cannith artificer dies, passes his mark to the warforged he's created—is exactly that sort of impossible story. However, the DM would have to allow it, and if you're playing 5E you'd have to figure out what it MEANS to have the Mark of Making, since it's not just a feat as it is in other editions. Beyond this, BECAUSE it's something that should be impossible and that's never been seen before, it's valid to question how Cannith and others will react—whether they will celebrate this miracle or fear it.

Not Mordakhesh

Hi, Keith. Just joined today! My campaign involves artifacts that the giants used against the Quori in the ancient Dream War. Could you tell me a bit more about the uses the Cul'sir actually had for Dal Quor? It's easy to imagine the sheer raw destructive energy harnessed from Fernia by the Sulat League, but what were some special ways the Cul'sir used Dal Quor? I'm trying to create a way for the Dream War to make both sides seem sympathetic.


While I appreciate the concept—villains don't see themselves as villains—canonically the Cul'sir Dominion was never meant to be sympathetic. They are primarily defined by their desire to rule and control all things; canonically they sacked Shae Tirias Tolai and enslaved the elves (with the implication that the elves were just one of many subject races) and ExE notes "The Cul’sir Dominion was ruled by mighty empyreans and sought to dominate all reality." If one's looking for redeeming features I would make the argument that they believed that their dominion was the pinnacle of civilization and that by conquering others and assimilating them into the dominion they were doing their slaves a favor. But from a story perspective the Dominion has always been intended to be an arrogant, expansionist empire that sought to bend reality to its rule and that was willing to take ridiculously risky actions in pursuit of its goals, regardless of the potential risk to others. They aren't really SUPPOSED to be sympathetic. WITH THAT SAID...