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Thanks to everyone who rallied with a submission, we have a cast for Thursday's session and a surprisingly interesting assortment of Black Crowns. Here's the crew:

BEL, The Smith: Rebecca Gray

THREE-WIDOW JANE: Brett, AKA Wandering Mage

BRIAR, The Greensinger: Spike Hemphill

VAEL, The Mystery: Kevin Bowles

TARI, The Flame: Anya

The session will record this Thursday and will be released the following week as soon as editing is completed, hopefully midweek. But we have two characters in the mix who haven't yet advanced to 4th level and I want to get your input on that, so it's time for a very quick poll!

Briar has a 17 Wisdom, so can benefit from a feat that gives a +1 to Wisdom. One option is Cook, allowing them to weave a little magic into meals. Another would be Fey-Touched, adding Sleep and Misty Step to their spells. A final option is Skill Expert, which would give them proficiency with Survival and expertise with Performance. While you may say "Expertise with PERFORMANCE? Really?" I will allow Briar to use Performance in ways other characters can't; notably, Briar may be able to use Performance where other characters would use Arcana or History, reflecting their knowledge of stories. 

Vael has a 17 Strength, and could likewise benefit from a feat that grants a +1 Strength. Skill Expert would grant them proficiency and expertise with Stealth, letting the slip through shadows like a ghost. Slasher would improve their attacks with their double-bladed scimitar. Revenant Blade is only partially useful because they don't have a use for Finesse weapons, but I might add something extra to make up for that!



Skill Expert on Briar for making the Final Song even more glorious!