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Breggan Blackcrown by Carolina Cesario for Frontiers of Eberron

Greetings, Threshold supporters!

The next Threshold session will be Thursday, July 15th from 6-10 PM Pacific Time. For people new to Threshold, it's not streamed live, but it will be released in the week following; people sometimes watch it at the same time and discuss it on Discord.

This session will pick up on the morning of 15 Lharvion, in the aftermath of the feast of Bounty's Blessing. At the conclusion of last session, Breggan and the Company of the Black Crown arrived in Threshold. Here's a little information about the Black Crowns:

In a region where bandits are as common as copper pieces, the Company of the Black Crown have earned their infamy. The core of the company were members of an elite unit of Brelish soldiers stationed at Orcbone. Their captain, Breggan, regularly ignored her orders and waged her own personal guerrilla war against Droaam, slaughtering goblin villages and leaving gruesome displays that could chill even a medusa’s blood. Some stories say that Breggan sought to avenge the slaughter of her own family at the hands of monstrous raiders. Others suggest that she admired the ferocity of her foes, that in seeking to match their cruelty she became a monster herself. One especially dramatic tale says that after losing an eye in a battle with a minotaur champion, she plucked out the eye of her fallen foe and pressed it into her own socket, so she could see the world as her enemies do. When she was finally called to account for her cruelty and violation of orders two years ago, she broke with Breland, and many of her soldiers followed her. Now she claims that she is a true daughter of Breggor Firstking, the founder of the ancient nation of Wroat, and that a vision from her ancestor guided her to find his black iron crown. She says that Boranel betrayed his people by failing to bring Droaam to heel, and that she is the champion of the abandoned people of the western frontier; she calls herself “the Queen of the Lost,” subject to the laws of no nation.
While the Black Crowns ruthlessly slaughter other brigands and raiders, they’re no angels. They rob small villages and caravans—never entirely, just “collecting the Crown’s share.” While they usually don’t kill villagers, they make a bloody example of anyone who challenges them.

Because of the rules of Discord, I can't choose players at random; there has to be some sort of actual contest. If you would like to play in this session, here's the rules:

  • Send an email to threshold.eberron@gmail.com
  • Include the name of the character you want to play in the subject line. Either Bel or Rolan (or both) will be in the session, but all characters are available.
  • The Company of the Black Crown will play a significant role in the session. In the body of the email, describe a member of the Company of the Black Crown, including name, species, and any other notes. Please limit your answer to a single paragraph.
  • You may mention a second choice for the character you'd like to play, just in case everyone chooses the same character.
  • Only submit ONE ANSWER. If I need a second round of submissions I'll let people know.
  • Your answer must be submitted by 6 PM Pacific time on Tuesday, July 13th.

Your answer can be brief—Snaggletooth Pete, a halfling rogue known for his talents with a blade and his exceptionally bad breath—or longer, but please limit it to a single paragraph. I'm looking for one or two interesting details I can work with, not a deep history. Most of the Black Crowns are former Brelish soldiers, but they've picked up some other members along the way. Keep in mind that Breggan is the unquestioned leader of the company: I'm looking for minions and allies, not for rivals. 

I'm excluding people who have played in the last three months; this means that people who played in February are eligible to submit again.

STORY TIME: If you go to the Threshold Discord channel, I'm currently running a  choose-Rolan's-Path scene with Rolan Harn, where your reactions will help direct the game. It's gone a little slowly because of the chaos in my RL situation, but it will continue to unfold over the week. 

Thanks for your support!



If you're new to Threshold, you can find out all about the characters here: https://kanka.io/en-US/invitation/join/40a8454839f4abf00e1cde65c2b17e4435cece3d1611286629600a486539a09


Quick Links/The Cast links to the ten player characters, and Campaign/Quests links to detailed overviews of each previous session.