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My latest IFAQ gathers up a few of the questions asked this month, dealing with Malevanor, the Blood of Vol, and the burial customs of the Tairnadal elves. Just as a note, if you asked a question on the question thread this month and haven't looked back at it, I have answered many questions there—so not every question gets an IFAQ, but make sure to look. 

There are still a few questions on the list that I'd really like to address in articles, both about Eberron and general DMing. I still hope to do so, however, this is being a difficult month for me. I don't want to get too deep into personal things, but I am tied up caring for my family, which is involving both travel and most of my time and energy. So I'm going to do what I can to keep up content, but I just don't know what each day will bring. 

With that in mind, for Threshold Patrons, I am not going to be able to run the next session as planned. I SHOULD be able to run a session early in July, and my goal is to have two sessions in July—beginning and end of the month—to make up for this. But there's simply no way I am going to be able to run a session in June. I am going to try to keep going with the Story Hour that's active on the Threshold Discord. 

Thanks to all of you for your ongoing support and understanding!


IFAQ: Blood of Vol, Malevenor, and Tairnadal Burial!

It's been a very busy month, but as time permits I like to answer short questions posed by my Patreon supporters. Here's a few questions related to the Blood of Vol, the mummy priest Malevanor, and the burial customs of the Tairnadal elves. In life, Hass Malevanor was a Seeker priest and student of necromancy.



Hopefully everything works out for you and your family. Take whatever time You need.