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Greetings, Threshold supporters!

The next Threshold session will be Friday, May 28th from 5-9 PM Pacific Time. The time polls are a way for me to gauge interest, but it's important to me to spread out sessions to ensure everyone has a chance to play; while Saturday had more votes, most of the previous sessions have been on Saturday at similar times. For people new to Threshold, it's not streamed live, but it will be released in the week following; people sometimes have watch sessions on Discord.

This session is going to begin on the evening of 14 Lharvion. The feat of Bounty's Blessing is still going on. Here's a little information about it:

Bounty's Blessing is the festival of Arawai, a celebration of the summer harvests. There is a grand farmer’s market in the Square, along with cooking competitions and a formal giving of thanks. Farming is difficult around Threshold, and the  predominant crop is sand fruit, a succulent cactus that is, sadly, not very succulent. However, Vesper—the local priest of the Sovereign Host—has challenged local chefs to find a way to make sand fruit palatable, if not delicious.

Because of the rules of Discord, I can't choose players at random; there has to be some sort of actual contest. If you would like to play in this session, here's the rules:

  • Send an email to threshold.eberron@gmail.com
  • Include the name of the character you want to play in the subject line. Three-Widow Jane WILL be in the session, but all characters are available.
  • The opening of the adventure will take place on the night of Bounty's Blessing. In the body of the email, describe something or someone that your character notices at the festival. Please limit your answer to a single paragraph.
  • You may mention a second choice for the character you'd like to play, just in case everyone chooses the same character.
  • Only submit ONE ANSWER. If I need a second round of submissions I'll let people know.
  • Your answer must be submitted by noon Pacific time on Tuesday, May 25th.

You could see an old friend or rival of your character; you could see some sort of miraculous sand fruit dish; you could see an adorable stray puppy with two different color eyes. You don't have to go into great detail; the key is that I'm going to pick things I will then use in the session, so I'm looking for ideas that will be fun for the story. Keep in mind that I always get a lot of good answers, because you're all creative people, and I have to pick five of them: if I don't pick your answer it doesn't mean it's a bad answer, it means there's a lot of competition.

I'm excluding people who have played in the last three months; this means that people who played in January are eligible to submit again.

AS A BONUS: Our characters have advanced to 4th level. I want your input in both how they advance and what this says about them. Today, let's look at INK and ROLAN. Rolan has a 15 Strength and I'd like to get that to 16, but that still lets him take an interesting feat. Ink has a base Intelligence of 16, so he'll need to fully invest in Intelligence to get to the next major tier. 

STORY TIME: If you go to the Threshold Discord channel, I'm currently running a  choose-Jane's-Path scene with Three Widow Jane, where your reactions will help direct the game. It will update unpredictably based on my spare time, but check it out. And as always, thanks for your support! 


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