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Greetings, Patrons!

April is going to be another busy month. I'm deep in my writing deadlines for Frontiers of Eberron, and I can't afford to break that concentration for a major article on an unrelated topic. But I want to keep the site active, so let's do some IFAQs.

For those of you who are new to the site, IFAQs are interesting questions (technically, "inFrequently Asked Questions") that I can address in about 1,000 words. The two key points  are that it is a SHORT topic—again, no more than 1,000 words—and that it's something I think has general interest to a broad audience. So good IFAQs are "Can warforged cry" (short answer, interesting to anyone who plays a warforged) or "How are familiars treated in Khorvaire" (Interesting question, lots of characters have familiars). Bad IFAQs are "What kind of familiars do Lorghalen wizards use" (Too narrow, many people will never use Lorghalen) or "How would you run a campaign at Arcanix" (great question, but it would take more than a thousand words to answer). 

Ask away, and thanks for your support!



What would be an example of a part of the Draconic Prophecy which would lead to the release of the Lurker in Shadow? What other servants than aboleths does the Lurker have?


That's not really how the Prophecy works. The passages that tie to the release of overlords don't always have to have an obvious logic. So the answer is to decide what the ultimate thing is and then work backwards. Perhaps the Lurker will be released when a particular sahuagin leader conquers Breland.. In which case the servants of the Lurker could have shaped the Eternal Dominion to drive it both to the rise of this particular leader and to have an interest in conquering Breland, which by default the Sahuagin don't care about. Or perhaps the Lurker will be released when a specific surface dweller ("The Child of the Broken Forge," say, referring to a Cannith heir from Cyre) kills a specific sahuagin with a specific weapon... which means they want to make sure that weapon is created, that it gets to the right person, that the right person meets the sahuagin in question, and kills them.


As for servants, while the aboleths are tied to the Lurker, they can also have fiends as well; you could take any existing fiend and give them an aquatic makeover. Imagine rakshasa who have shark features (more dramatically so than sahuagin) instead of tiger features.


Do people carry a homunculus with them often? Would an artificer's Homunculus Servant infusion immediately stand out or would it be just another small personal construct?


People definitely don't carry homunculi with them OFTEN, no. An artificer with a homunculus will STAND OUT. If you're got a winged metal serpent or a tiny flying cauldron, it's the kind of detail people will remember if, say, the City Watch comes looking for you later,. However, beyond that, most people won't CARE about it. It's unusual and memorable, but it's not disturbing or frightening; people see a lot of strange things.