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Greetings, Inner Circle!

At the moment I am hard-pressed on writing deadlines for Frontiers of Eberron and other work and as a result I'm not going to do an extended article this month. Addressing a deep topic such as Sarlona would require both time and creative focus that I don't have this week. So instead, I'm looking to write a few shorter articles this month—articles more on par with the recent Wizard Circles, Airships, or Mummies and the BoV articles. Examples of this sort of topic would be Familiars & Homunculi in Eberron, The Lightning Rail, or Sphinxes in Eberron. So I'm going to do a poll and try to cover at least the top two topics... But as always, I want to know what you want to know about. 

So with the understand that we're talking about topics that could be covered in 1-2 pages—what would you like to see? 

Thanks for your support!




Awesome, thanks much!


Seren Island and/or the dragon-worshipping barbarian tribes that live there