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This article began as an IFAQ that was just a follow up to Arcane Industry, addressing a few specific questions about airships—Why are docking towers important? What are the wind wards? But as often happens when things make me go Hmm, it expanded into an article that felt like it should properly be considered a Dragonmark. I hope you enjoy it. 

With that said, recent events have caused me to rethink my policy on answering questions. I LIKE answering questions and helping people get more insight into Eberron... Especially for patrons, as I see it as one of the main benefits of your patronage. However, it's come to a point where I receive dozens of questions every time I post an article—and in a few cases, a dozen questions from a single person! If I take the time to answer every question, I'd never get any other work done. With this in mind, I am going to restrict the number of questions I will answer. If you only ask ONE question I will do my best to answer it -- but if you ask more than one, I may only answer one of them. Also, I am most likely to answer questions that clarify important aspects of the article and that will be of interest to all readers, as opposed to questions on narrow or trivial topics. For example, with this article on Airships, "Are there things you do use from Explorer's Handbook" is a good question; it's useful to know that I'm not dismissing ExH out of hand. On the other hand, "How does this mesh with the depiction of the pilotless airship in Bob Bobbington's adventure in Dungeon #XYZ" is less useful. I didn't write the adventure in question and there's a good chance I've never read it. To answer this question I'd have to FIND the adventure—which is a time drain for me—and then odds are good that my opinion will simply be "I disagree with Bob Bobbington." 

So to summarize: I can't answer every question, and I am more likely to answer questions that clarify the article or have broad interest to everyone who reads it. For narrow topics, I recommend discussing them on the Eberron Discord or on the r/Eberron Reddit, because there may well be other people who HAVE read Bob Bobbington's adventure and who would love  to discuss it there! 

Thank you as always for your patronage, and I'll be doing the poll for the next Dragonmark next week!


Dragonmarks: Airships, Expanded

The airship is an iconic element of Eberron. I've recently wrapped up a series on Arcane Industry and I've discussed Flight in Eberron in a previous article, but I've received a lot of questions about airships that aren't covered in current material and I want to share my thoughts on them.


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