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Greetings, Threshold Patrons. Here's the second episode of Threshold! Vael arrives in town with an unexpected gift for Rolan, and Ja'taarka is charged with a task that draws their friends into a dangerous mystery.

We should begin with a Trigger Warning: The main theme of this adventure is Mystery Investigation with Supernatural Elements. Potential triggers include Children in Danger and Light Body Horror.

This raises an unexpected challenge of our format. Normally in an ongoing campaign I would work with players during session zero to determine themes to explore or avoid and to establish a system of veils, curtains, and walls. However, because we are constantly changing players, we can't establish that concrete foundation; every group will be different. We are going to explore different ways to handle this going forward. To begin with I will call out the theme and potential triggers BEFORE calling for players. We will use X-cards during the session to ensure that players can avoid situations they're uncomfortable with. Beyond that, we will continue to use our system of polls and discussion to determine the direction the story takes. Notably, at the end of this session the adventurers have uncovered a mystery and were divided on how to proceed; it will be up to you to decide if we dig deeper into this mystery in the next session or if we bury it and hope it goes away.

As I've said before, this is an experiment and this is a challenge of the format. We'll figure out the best way to handle this and move forward accordingly. I appreciate suggestions, both here and in the Discord channel. Also, if you haven't checked it out yet, the campaign website includes the personal logs of the players and my official overview of the session: https://kanka.io/en-US/invitation/join/40a8454839f4abf00e1cde65c2b17e4435cece3d1611286629600a486539a09

This is the Video recording; the isolated audio is available in the previous post.. Thanks as always for your support, and a special thanks to Ruggaboo—who also plays Vael in this session—for editing the audio and video for this episode!


(No title)



These are very fun to watch ^^


One suggestion is to announce the triggers, but make sure that different games have different types of triggers. Every once in a while you have games that are less intense. For example, we could have a festival with some sort of competition. That one would be lower stakes in terms of hazards, but it would be good roleplaying work out. The festival could actually be a couple of sessions with different groups in different parts.