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Sometimes a question on a Dragonmark article takes on a life of its own, and that's were things like this IFAQ come from. Having written half a concept in my response in the comments, I wanted to fully develop the idea—so here we are. 

Fear not, teen adventure hooks will still be coming for the Inner Circle, and I'll be setting the time for the next Threshold adventure shortly! Spoiler alert: It will be on Sunday, February 21st, though the next poll will determine the time! 

Thanks as always for your support. 


IFAQ: Ashtakala, the Demon City

The following questions came up in response to my recent article on High Level Adventures in Eberron: Why has the Light of Siberys not been regularly staging strafing runs against the Demon Wastes? In the 3.5 Explorer's Handbook, Ashtakala is still a viable, functioning headquarters for the Lords of Dust.


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