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Greetings, patrons! 

In general news, the next article will be about Teen Adventures in Eberron—dealing not with teenagers, but with ideas for characters of tenth level and above. We're almost to the end of the month, but I'll have that article out this week. My apologies for the derth of IFAQs this month, but between the first Threshold session and unexpected issues in Real Life it's been a busy month. 

Speaking of Threshold (and thanks to Julio Azevedo for the portrait of Sora!): I ran the first session on the 23rd of January, and overall it went well. I will probably extend the sessions to four hours in the future -- this one was aimed at three hours and felt a little tight. The recording is currently in the hands of my tech team (which is totally not just my pug, totally) and I hope to have it out to Threshold patrons by the end of the month. But I do have one question for Threshold patrons or people who might become Threshold patrons, which is how you'd prefer to experience that recording. Audio? Video? All at once or in pieces? 

The main question is whether it's released in audio, video, or both. These are not exclusive, so feel free to vote for both; I can definitely release both audio and video if there's interest. The main question is if I release the audio, what's your preferred length and schedule? Note that if it is released as videos, players will have the option to have their faces hidden, so you won't be forced to be seen if you end up playing. However, I will also note that I am a DM, not a video producer! I'm not planning to do a lot of editing or special effects; I just want to share the session. 

In the next few days I will also be launching a Kanka site for the campaign, which will allow everyone to see character sheets, histories, and session logs. I'll announce that as soon as it's fully operational. 

Thanks for your support!



Please give those of us who have no time to watch an audio version! Can’t wait to see what happens!


In my head,the video version includes the full audio version. I treat plenty of video streams as "podcasts" on my commute. I'd definitely prefer the video when I can watch. It doesn't detract from a fully audio experience when I want to.