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While this SEEMED like a good idea, it turned out to be an extremely difficult challenge for ME. You sent in a host of fantastic ideas, and it was very difficult to narrow it down both to five characters and five players. If you didn't get chosen this time, please don't take it as a criticism of your idea; there were simply TOO MANY good stories!

With that said, the cast for the first session will be: 

Rolan Harn, the Marshal: Jack O'Leary

... the Marshal danced with Sora at a ball in Sharn...

Tari, the Flame: Asura

... Sora is privately tutoring young Tari...

Sora, the Stonespeaker: Max Lichtenstein

... Sora's not sure how Briar has read her *unpublished* novels...

Deven, the Tailor: Dylan Ramsey

... Ink is teaching Deven's children, and during their parent-teacher discussions Deven often points out errors in the Goblin history curriculum...

Ink, the Scholar: Omnificer

... Ink's disastrous date with Three-Widow Jane turned into a lasting friendship...

I have a lot of balls in the air this week, so it will be a few days before I can get all the technical details sorted out. If you're playing, I'll be in touch in the next few days to provide you with more information. 

Again, thank you ALL for participating: this is only the beginning! And also, thanks to Julio Azevedo for his portrait of Deven! 




Congratulations y’all! ^^


Thank you for doing all this. I've run some online games before and it can be really hard sorting through people. It's hard when there are lots of great entries.