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It's time to choose players for the first Threshold session. Under the rules of Patreon this can't be a random selection; but it can be based on a contest. A few important things: I'm planning to change the format of the contest each time, and once someone has played in a session, they will be ineligible for a certain number of sessions. Likewise, I will be changing the time of each session rather than using a single standard time, to facilitate players in different time zones. The goal here is to make sure that as many people as possible have a chance to be a part of the story.  

The first Threshold session will run from 1 PM to 3 PM Pacific Standard Time on January 23rd. Only participate in the challenge if you are able to play at that time.

For this session we have one special exception. When this all began, patron Asura alerted us to the fact that Patreon forbids lotteries and that our original plan would have gotten us shut down. For saving us a great deal of stress and trouble, Asura gets the first seat at the table and has chosen to play Tari in the first session. 

I'm going to use the following challenge to fill the remaining four seats:

  • Send an email to threshold.eberron@gmail.com 
  • Include the name of the character you want to play in the subject line. 
  • In the body of the text, tell me an interesting thing that connects that character to one of the other main characters. This could be something from their past or it could be extremely recent. Perhaps the Marshal and the Smith met on a battlefield in the Last War, or the Tailor recently made a fantastic hat for Sora Stone. Please limit your answer to a single paragraph. 
  • Only submit ONE ANSWER. If I need a second round of submissions I'll let people know.

If I pick your answer, you will play that character in the session and the detail you've created will become part of their story. If by some chance we don't get enough different characters—for example, if everyone who participates wants to play the Marshal—I will cast you as the other character you mention in your answer.

THIS IS AN EXPERIMENT. It's entirely possible it's a terrible idea! But it's what we're trying this time around. I will accept answers until Noon Pacific Time on Sunday, January 17th and post the list of players on Monday morning. Again, DO NOT SUBMIT AN ANSWER IF YOU CANNOT PLAY ON THE 23rd!

For reference, here are our characters. The Flame has already been taken and will definitely be in the session. 

  • Bel, the Smith (Beasthide shifter, Beast barbarian, folk hero)
  • Briar, the Greensinger (Changeling, Dreams druid, entertainer)
  • Deven, the Tailor (Goblin, Mastermind rogue, spy)
  • Ja’taarka, the Good Boy (Worg, Dark Stalker Ranger, soldier)
  • Rolan Harn, the Marshal (Deneith Human, Battle Master Fighter, soldier)
  • Sora, the Stonespeaker (Sivis Gnome, Scribe Wizard, entertainer)
  • Tari, the Flame (Kalashtar, Divine Soul Sorcerer, urchin)
  • Three-Widow Jane, the Wandslinger (Khoravar, Genie Warlock, smuggler)
  • Ink, the Scholar (Ruinbound Dwarf, Alchemist Artificer, sage)
  • Vael, the Mystery (Valenar Elf, Glory Paladin, folk hero)

Thanks to all of you for your support and for taking this crazy journey with me. And thanks to Julio Azevedo for the portrait of Ink that accompanies this post! 

If you have any questions, post them below. 




Is there a place where the information/backstory notes for the characters are all collated in one place?


Not yet. There will be a campaign site that will have that information, along with character sheets and session summaries, but at the moment ypu'll have to review the Threshold-tagged posts here.