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The previous poll settled on The Marshal and The Smith as our muscle. I'm going to give each character a poll with a number of followup questions. You can pick as many answers as you like, but I'll only be taking one from each category. So here's our starting point...

The Marshal is a dragonmarked former Sentinel Marshal of House Deneith. They're no longer part of the house, and rumors swirl as to whether they were excoriated for wrongdoing or severed ties of their own accord. Either way, they believe in justice and they're determined to make a difference in Threshold.

Looking to the questions below, I want to know if our Marshal is a young prodigy or a scarred veteran; whether they're from of Deneith's most powerful families, or if they lost their kin to the Mourning; whether they're celebrated for vigilante action or if they're a mysterious wanderer; and finally, their class. Fighter is an easy option for this character, but I'm also suggesting Paladin... with a twist. While this character might be a paladin, they aren't intentionally devoted to a religion. Instead, they are devoted to either bringing justice to the frontier and defending the innocent... or to avenging them. Their commitment to this ideal is so great that they have begun channeling divine power, but they don't fully understand it and don't actually know where the power if coming from. The Silver Flame is a possibility, but it could be Dol Arrah, the Fury, or even their own Divinity Within. So if they are a paladin, part of the idea is that they are still learning to master their gifts and still uncertain where they are coming from. 

This is a short duration poll, because we've got lots to cover in the next few weeks. So vote now! 


Joseph Meehan

Vote early and vote often!


Oh Vengeance paladin was so close:(