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Hi Everyone! This was a difficult choice, as around 60 different topics were proposed. Some of these are carried over from previous polls by popular demand; here's a few notes on the new topics.

Life in the Lhazaar Principalities is intended to serve as a foundation for future articles about more specific aspects of the Lhazaar Principalities; this would start with general customs, the role of magic in daily life, the princes, and other general concepts that are important in understanding the Principalities. 

Arcane Science and Industry takes a further look at everyday magic in Khorvaire. What does arcane research and innovation actually look like? What goes on in a Cannith factory? What are key unanswered questions that arcane pioneers are struggling to answer, and who are those innovators? 

The Wardens of the Wood takes a deeper look at this druidic sect and the role it places in the Eldeen Reaches, along with a general examination of how widespread primal magic affects daily life in the Eldeen. 

Dragons of the Chamber is a look at the Chamber and how it operates, with a particular focus on the dragons that serve as its agents. What sorts of roles do they usually play? What the role of the different color of dragons? How do they work with other organizations and agents?

Delving into Dreadhold looks at the role and history of Khorvaire's most infamous prison, along with details on some of its legendary prisoners! 

Thanks for your support!  


Remi Garreau

Heartbroken to not see Syrkarn win this!