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Our patron poll is over, and our patron is Threshold Itself. Our main characters will be people who have an investment in the town or at least a very good reason to be there and stay there; we'll do a first pass on those characters in the next poll. For now, I want to kill two birds with one stone and to establish the dominant religion of the town. If there's a church, who is it dedicated to? If there's someone we identify as the town preacher, what's their faith? 

I'll note that this is a Brelish town that hopes to become a significant outpost for trade. I want it to FEEL like a Brelish town, which means I'm ruling out things like "It's a stronghold of the Blood of Vol." Having said that, there may be only or more FRINGE religions, meaning that a small but not insignificant number of people follow that faith. It may be that the town preacher is a vassal, but there's still a few Greensingers maintaining the grove on the edge of town. I'm leaving out some faiths that really don't fit the story; Threshold isn't going to be a bastion of the Path of Light or the Undying Court. 

And with all that said, of course, I'll note that this is a Brelish town, and that the Brelish don't tend to be too intensely invested in religion! So even if the primary faith is the Silver Flame, that doesn't mean it's going to feel like Thrane.

For this poll you can select as many options as you wish. There can only be a single primary faith, and I'll consider secondary faiths depending on their support. 

Thanks for your support! 



Might be interesting if part of the city's founding was as sort of a spiritual sanctuary for non-Pyrinean Sovereign creeds.


It feels to me a bit cart-before-the-horse. This is a frontier town looking for immigrants. It seems to me that beggars can’t be total choosers. Sure, no X, Y or Z faiths. But A through W are welcome. I look to the religious tolerance of frontiers. The Flushing Remonstrance, etc. That said, someone lived here before the new occupants, and they certainly had a religion for some long amount of time. That has a history, a culture and an impact... and I have no idea exactly what that might be. I’d also be interested in how ol’ time and new age religions in Threshold are getting along.