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You all posed a lot of good questions posed at the start of August, and I'm going to work through a few of those for now—including two in this article, about committing crimes in Upper Sharn and the status of the Daughters of Sora Kell in the eyes of the Keeper of the Silver Flame. I'll canvas the Inner Circle for new questions after the current poll wraps up. Speaking of which, The Library of Korranberg has a narrow lead right now, but there's still four days left in the poll!


IFAQ: Breaking The Law

I'm busy working on my next Eberron product for the DM's Guild, and I'll share more information about that when it's further along. But as time allows, I like to answer interesting questions posed by my Patreon supporters.



Thanks for answering the question about Upper Sharn! It came up in a game a while ago and I wasn't quite sure how to handle it in the moment.


Yeah, I figured it was probably too late to be helpful for the situation you were dealing with, but I thought the answer might still be interesting for people.