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Greetings, Inner Circle Patrons!

Because of the release of Exploring Eberron, I'm a little behind on the Nobility of Khorvaire article, but I should have that completed by (next) Monday. In the meantime, I'd like to get a new round of IFAQ topics for August. As a reminder...

  • With IFAQs I want questions I can answer in one to two paragraphs. So you need a clear, concise topic with a specific answer, not something abstract or broad. 
  • Narrow in scope is better ("How could I use the Argentum" as opposed to "How could I use the Demon Wastes"), but I'll usually choose a topic that I think has broad value in many campaigns over a hyper-specific topic that may only interest two people. 
  • I will NOT have time to answer all questions, but feel free to repost a question next moth if it doesn't make it this month!

I also have a second questions, which is what do you want from this blog? I need the support of patrons like you if I'm going to keep devoting time to the blog, and the more patrons I have the more I can do here. The question is how I can add value for patrons. At the moment, I look to you to help determine the topics of articles and IFAQs. I'm leaning towards having at least one patron-exclusive post each month, to have something that's entirely concrete. But is there something else I'm not doing that would add value for you? What do YOU want from the blog? 

Thanks for your support!




Would dromites live in demiplanes of Khyber that connect to Sarlona, corresponding geographical areas under the continent of Sarlona like the dwarves once did in Sol Udar, both, or something different?


I am new to Patreon and nervous to ask questions but in the Emerald Claw article you mentioned there could be other Seeker chivalric orders besides the Emerald Claw and Ebon Skull. If you were to make new seeker orders in what ways could they be different? Like could there be orders more focused on healing or fighting cults of dragon below ?( Maybe one led by Alhoon, a undead Mindflayer?)


No need to be nervous - thank you for your support! This is a good question, and I've added both this question and my answer to the end of the recent Emerald Claw IFAQ: http://keith-baker.com/ifaq-ec/