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Odds are good you've never said "I wonder if Keith Baker has any cool ideas about crossbows." But sometimes an idea gets stuck in my teeth, and this week that idea was CROSSBOWS. My next major article will either deal with the Znir Pact or Dolurrh—Currently the Inner Circle poll is tied! 

Thanks as always for your support!


When is a Crossbow not a Crossbow?

Given the overall sophistication of Eberron, it can seem strange that people use medieval weapons. In a world of airships and warforged, why haven't people created more effective personal weapons? Rising From The Last War highlights the spread of wandslingers, soldiers who fight using damage-dealing cantrips.


Joseph Meehan

For what it's worth I really enjoyed the article, it gives a sleeker vision that incorporates some of the steampunk visuals people want while keeping the core themes of Eberron


I loved the article, and it fit really well with an Eberron campaign that I will be starting soon. I will be playing a member of House Orien whose bow is reflavored as a slugthrower using a piece of the lightning rail.