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Greetings, Inner Circle patrons!

The last poll showed a strong interest in locations, NPCs, and general lore posts, and you’ll be seeing those in the future. But I’d also like to have a good stock of questions like “Can Warforged Cry”— questions that are interesting as a stand alone topic and crucially, that can be answered in no more than two paragraphs. The point here is to have some interesting questions I can address when I DON’T have a lot of time.

So with that in mind, do you have any interesting, tight-focus questions? Post them in the comments!



Sorry for the late query. What is the Eberron (Lyrandar) way of 'christening' a boat (airship) launch?


Oh might be too late but I imagine the answer is cut and dry. In Shadow of the Last War among the treasures the party finds with dead Brelish soldiers is a flametouched iron holy symbol of the Sovereign Host. Is flametouched iron often used for non-Silver Flame holy symbols? Only in Thrane perhaps? I assume Seekers wouldn't use the material?