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Hi Patrons!

I want to apologize to all of you for dropping off the grid this last month. This has been a difficult time for me for a number of reasons, and I want you all to know that I'm not simply ignoring the site; I'm just been too hard pressed to write what I want to write. I WANT to be doing more support, and end of this tunnel is finally in sight... so hopefully things should pick up again next month. 

I don't have the time to do a full, proper article this week. But I can do a Q&A, and I'd like to address questions. I can't tackle questions that need article-length answers, but if a question can be answered in a paragraph or two I should be able to cover things. So let me know what you'd like to know, and I'll see about doing a few Q&A articles this week. 

Thanks again for your support and your patience!



You never have to apologize Keith, you are a busy man and still you take time to reach out and talk to the people that love your worlds. As for a question I do have one for you, I am not sure if you've mentioned it somewhere before but the Giants of Xen'Drik they were a magical society but did they have gods? I know the Dhakaani Empire was mentioned to be agnostic but what of the Giants?

Serpen Thrope

Baator was added in for 4e, added Asmodeus to Eberron, and broke the standard "thirteen minus one" pattern of Eberron. Now that we're moving to 5e, any chance it goes bye-bye?


I don't know. If Eberron receives official treatment, it may not be up to me. But I'll point out that it's not part of the cosmology in the Wayfinder's Guide.


Short answer: Yes. But the "Giants of Xen'drik" weren't a single monolithic culture. There were multiple civilizations with different beliefs. Many worshipped a form of the Sovereign Host, with somewhat different names; Ourelon Lawbringer is a clear analogue to the Aureon worshipped today. Some of this belief has been preserved in the Rusheme faith described in the City of Stormreach sourcebook. Some worshipped titans, primordial giants who found a way to continue as vestiges. Others were agnostic.