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Hello Inner Circle Patrons!

Due to the Wayfinder's Guide to Eberron we've pushed late into the month without a Patron's Poll. With that said, I'm interested in doing something related to the WGtE... either dealing with questions about the Wayfinder's Guide or expanding on something within it. 

SO: I'll be posting an article topic poll tomorrow. Do you have any topic suggestions, tied to the WGtE or otherwise? 

Thanks for your support!



The warforged body plating things are written in a slightly wonky way that has an interesting & almost certainly unintended side effect. Unconcerning is that since you are not technically wearing armor or "considered to be armored" (just like lizardfolk & tortle) defensive fighting style/medium armor master/etc does not apply to you, that is unimportant & nudging warforged away from those in that way might not be a bad thing. **The interesting part** is that because you are not considered to be wearing armor, a warforged could have composite or heavy plating -and- benefit from barbarian rage/monk martial arts/etc. This opens a lot of very interesting possible builds at very little cost. How do you feel about a warforged monk/barbarian using their class and race features in such a way?


Check the post I've just posted for clarification on this. If you're using the composite plating or heavy plating modes you ARE considered to be armored; if you're using darkwood core you're considered to be unarmored. However, the platings are simply considered to be "armor", not specifically heavy or medium armor. As such, right now a warforged barbarian who gets heavy armor proficiency could still rage while using heavy plating.


having them count as being armored but not a specific type of armor would be pretty cool & open up a lot of interesting possibilities :D


Hey here is another question, though it is about information not in WGtE. I was curious about your recommendations for prices for airships and etc. Converted to 5E since wealth is lower than in prior editions.