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It took longer than I expected it to, but my latest post explores the role of the druid in Eberron and how I'd represent the various druidic traditions in fifth edition! Thanks for your support and for keeping the website going. 


Druids in Eberron

A druid draws their power from Eberron. All natural life-from the druid, to the wolf, to the tree-is connected, all part of Eberron. The druid can use this connection to assume the form of other natural creatures, to manipulate the weather and other natural phenomena, to influence plants and animals.


Serpen Thrope

(You can take this as a Q&A, or just answer it if you think it's too weirdly specific.) I was wondering if you had an opinion on a theory: Obviously, faith has power in D&D. However, in setting like The Forgotten Realms mortals can only use that power to juice up their gods, while in Eberron mortals like the Blood of Vol can wield it directly without a divine surrogate. Do you think it's likely that there are no traditional D&D gods in Eberron because they're all terrified of a world in which mortals could potentially use faith as a godkilling weapon?