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May is a stupidly busy month for me, but I'll be writing another article before it's done and I want you all to decide what it will be about. Would you like to read my thoughts on Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes? Should I continue with my series on classes? Would you be interested in hearing about one of the Eberron campaigns I'm running? Or is there another topic you'd like me to address? As always, thank you for your support!



One of these days I would love to see your take on night hag planar ambassadors and how each hag would reflect her appointed plane.


I wouldn't mind a bit more about pirates in Eberron. You touched on them a bit in an article not long ago. I was dispointed on how briefly! I remember asking you on twitter about an alternative to guns and cannons for Eberron pirates,maybe that could be included?