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Hey Everyone!

My next article will be a class feature (I'm currently thinking sorcerers). I'm going to post my April Poll tomorrow to give Inner Circle patrons a chance to vote on the NEXT article. If you have topics you'd like to see included on that poll, post 'em in the comments!

I've also expanded the Good & Evil article with a short discussion of Shavarath, so I'm posting the link again here. 

Thanks for your support!



Eberron Flashback: Good and Evil

This was the first Eberron article I posted on this site, nearly six years ago. I'm juggling a host of deadlines at the moment and don't have time to write an entirely new article this week, but this seems like an idea that's worth revisiting.


Dennis Groome

I always welcome content for Phoenix: Dawn Command.


I'm curious about sorcerers too. I have a player with a draconic sorcerer & fey warlock sorcadin but have trouble with coming up with fluff whenever statements like "I draw my power from ... So x concerns me" come up :(