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Hey patrons! Thanks again for supporting the site. 

Writing a post on the scale of an Imperial Dispatch or the Ghaash'kala Dragonshard takes a significant amount of time - it's going to be a little while before I have enough time to put together the article I'd like to write on the planes of Eberron, for example. But I'd love to start writing SMALLER posts on a more regular basis - addressing a single interesting question that I can cover in fifteen minutes or so. 

With this in mind: ASK ME SOME QUESTIONS. These questions could tie to PHOENIX, EBERRON, GENERAL GAME DESIGN, or anything else that's in my wheelhouse. Post your questions in the comments. I can't promise that I'll address questions daily, but it's something where if I have a spare moment I'd love to have a repository of questions to answer. 

CRITICAL POINTS: I'm looking for questions that meet the following criteria.

1. NARROW FOCUS. I need to be able to answer these questions in two paragraphs or less. I'm looking for very specific subjects, not broad or vague questions. 

2. GENERAL INTEREST. Likewise, I'm going to pick the questions that will be interesting to the widest audience. If a question is really only possibly interesting to one player in your personal campaign, it's not a great choice.

GOOD QUESTIONS are things like...

"What happens when you fly an airship into the Mournland?"

"What are some character hooks for Phoenixes from Ilona?"

"What are some adventure hooks for a game in Droaam?"

"How do you add cinematic flavor to a combat scene?"

"What's your favorite thing about the Lhazaar Principalities?"

"What's one of your favorite board games you didn't make?"

"What's an RPG you've always wanted to play?"

"Why are all the cards in Scott Pilgrim's Precious Little Card Game double-sided?"

BAD QUESTIONS are either too broad or too narrow. 

Too broad...

"What was pre-Mourning Cyre like?" 

"How do you make a world?"

"Tell us more about Skavia." 

Too narrow...

"Who was the leader of the Cannith forgehold in Making on the Day of Mourning?"

"What's your opinion on Munchkin Cthulhu?"


That's it! Ask me anything. 



Thanks for taking the time to answer our questions Keith, I guess I have 2. What books/movies do you find have profoundly influenced or inspired your creations? Also, what ideas do you have about how a Daelkyr lord would indirectly influence a parties actions to achieve it's own goals? I apologize if the second one is a little broad, I wasn't really sure how to word it. Thanks again.


Thanks for the support, Scott! Good questions - now that I'm back from my tour, I'll be tackling the questions.


Welcome back Keith, I hope you had a fun and successful trip! Thanks again!


I remember a few weeks ago you asking about interest in different Eberron cities. I wish I had asked about Thronehold. It seems so cool! Old capital; location of the famous treaty; international city with districts controlled by the surviving kingdoms. Thronehold has always seemed romantic and fantastic. What got me thinking of Thronehold tonight was looking at the map of Khorvaire and the Scions Sound (which seem cool in its own right!). Then I saw how the Mournland covers the political boundaries of Cyre which means that the Mournland looms over Thronehold! I'd love to hear anything about Thronehold or the Scions Sound, but a specific line of wonder: what is is like having the Mournland so close? Are there a large number of Cyrean refugees here? Are Thronehold residents and officials especially worried about the mourning's spread? Is the region of the Mournland in that upper peninsula distinct as a result of its geography? How are expeditions from Thronehold different than those from New Cyre? I love your work and appreciate how active and supportive you are in the community. thank you.