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Heyhey Skele-fam!

Well, Damn! Eight-ish days of travel and visiting family can really ruin the whole months plans huh? But the good news is the Every Zeebo Game Part 2 and December's UDUG should be out about the same time! I'm happy and sad to have the Zeebo project finally finished though, it's been on my back for a few years now, if you can believe it!

November's UDUG video is all about the long abandoned Video Game Password. The times before memory cards and hard drives was a WILD time! I think I may have found the most ridiculous passwords that ever existed but watch the video and let me know are any worse than Swords and Serpents (NES), Maniac Mansion (Famicom), Metal Gear 2 (MSX) and Golden Sun The Lost Age (GBA)! This was a rabbit hole I could've spent several more days on but I had to stop myself haha

Thanks to Sputnik34 for editing this one for me! Oh and one last thing, the end of this video features a remix of the Goonies 2 password theme that I made with my old electronic band back in 2008 haha. I don't think we ever released it so there's some more exclusive content for ya!

We'll have voting for the December UDUG tomorrow to Sunday night! And with no major trips to plan for and projects very far along, December looks to be a productive month! I'll see you all soon! Thanks as always for all the support and happy holidays!

Uncle Derek


UDUG Ep 4 An Ode to Video Game Passwords

Live from the chicken coop! Also featuring a dog! Edited by @Sputnik34


Chris Salcedo

The second I heard the Goonies II password screen, it all came back to me. That game was the first game my family owned... we bought it before we bought the NES as we just brought the game to my grandma's place to play it on her system. My penmanship had to get better in order to write those passwords down correctly. I had some great memories playing that game, but thank the gods for memory cards and save states!


That one goes way back for me too! I've always loved that Password Theme too! But I don't know how they expected kids to be able to legible write quotations and apostrophes!


Love Golden Sun, and I have entered that Gold Password multiple times and failed multiple times. Most of the equipment may be worthless as you progress through the second game, but the Lure Cap (an item that increases enemy encounter rate) is worth it if you care about grinding.