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Hi everyone!

Hope you all had a great week. Now that both Derek and I are fully operational again (yay!), I thought I’d share a bit about what we’re up to.

Super Monkey Ball iPhone

Last week, the world of Delisted games had an exciting development: one of the first (to my knowledge) emulators of iPhone games launched!! The emulator is called Touch HLE, and is available to download now. At the moment it only runs one game, Super Monkey Ball, which was a launch title for the iPhone app store way back in the day. This alone blew my mind, but I was also able to get in touch with one of the developers of the game for an interview, and will be interviewing the developer of Touch HLE tomorrow. The scope of the video isn’t going to be too large, so I’m planning on having this up for you guys on Patreon in about 2 weeks. Very excited that it’s coming together so quickly!

Donkey Kong Bongos

Everyone, this is NOT a drill! I have finally talked Derek into making a video on one of my favorite peripherals!! Derek is still early stages on this one, but I’ve seen him get gameplay footage for DK Jungle Beat, Odama, and even Samba de Amigo. I am not 100% sure where this one will go, but I think it will also include Bull Beat, the indie game from last year that used the Bongos. I’m hoping early/mid March for the release on this one.

Derek also spent some time prepping his follow-up to the Zeebo, but it’s still early on. He mentioned he’s going to experiment with making the narrative style/tone of the video very similar to the Symphony of the Night GameCom video.

Grace aka the Duce


Eric Pasterson

I love me those dumb bongos, can't wait for the video. Are you guys excited for the new Samba da Amigo?


that iPhone emulation is huge that’s what the future of emulation is going to be emulating old phone environments

Michael Cutts

3 awesome developments! It’s also awesome to hear about progress on the big Zeebo Games video. Looks like an exciting 2023!