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Hi all!

First things first, our next podcast is on Monday, October 3rd at 4pm PT! I'll have a discussion post going up on Sunday for it.

This week has been very busy! We got several scripts done and are moving them into the production phase. Instead of breaking down this update day by day, I'll instead be going through them by project.

PlayStation Doom

Derek wrapped up the script for PSX Doom and has recorded about 75% of the VO for the project! This one is probably going to be about 10-15 minutes long, and we’ve got Sober Dwarf editing the project, so the turnaround time should be relatively fast! We hit an interesting snag on Thursday after Derek decided to test out his opinion of the Brutal Doom mod on Twitter.

Turns out Doom’s most controversial mod is controversial?? Essentially, Derek isn’t a fan, and was just throwing up an opinion that he wanted in the script to see what the reaction would be. I wasn't expecting much since the mod is a decade old at this point, but boy was I wrong lol. I forgot that Derek, while an avid Doom fan, is essentially on the fringes of the community because he’s such a console boi. Nevertheless, it was good to see people’s reaction because it would have been a shame for Brutal Doom to overshadow the Good Word on PlayStation Doom. But now that the can of worms is open, I am going to throw Brutal Doom on the pile of future Past Mortem topics because DAMN.

Microsoft Game Room + Game Room

I’ve teased a video on Microsoft Game Room for a while, and I’m happy to report that the first draft of the script is finally done! For the uninitiated, Microsoft Game Room was a particularly embarrassing 2010 retro gaming app/service that Microsoft launched and then unceremoniously allowed to wither on the vine. It’s essentially a weird, terrible precursor to Game Pass that hardly anyone remembers, largely because it charged $3-5 for single arcade games. While the beginning of the upcoming week is going to be dedicated to getting Doom PSX out the door (and wrapping up our own Game Room Tour video), I’m hoping to get this script into a final state by Friday and then shipped off for editing. The Game Room Tour video (not to be confused with the aforementioned Tour of Game Room tomfoolery) should go up for Patrons by Wednesday and then onto YouTube on Thurs/Friday. Just need to reshoot some b-roll for it and get it edited in!


OUYA OUYA OUYA. Well, I have finally finished the footage gathering and (with Cass of Bad Game Hall of Fame) have gotten the script down to a respectable length. I’m guessing it’s going to be our last big project of the year, but it still needs a lot of fine tuning. So that it doesn’t completely overwhelm us like Crash Bandikart did! I’m hoping to have this video out by December, but I likely won’t be jumping back into it until Game Room and Doom are out of the way.

PRGE + the Faceball 2000 16-Player Dream

Portland Retro Gaming Expo is in two weeks, and while Derek and I aren’t attending in any official capacity, we will be at the convention to hopefully create a bit of history. Three years ago, we mentioned in our video on crazy 3d in Game Boy and Game Boy Color games, that Faceball 2000 for the Game Boy apparently had a programmed in option for 16 Player Link Cable Co-op. SO WE’RE GONNA DO IT!! We’ve been in touch with some people who have access to 16 copies of Faceball 2000 and the equipment for 16 player. I am still trying to figure out the logistics, because while we technically have everything we need, it would be better to use primarily Game Boy Advances and official Game Boy Advance Link Cables to reduce potential issues. I’ll post more about that later once I have things ironed out. Anyone going to PRGE? Would be a fun meet up! I am also planning on turning the whole process into a video for the channel that will likely go live in November, assuming everything goes well.


One other Big Thing of the week was Stadia’s sudden shut down. By coincidence, I started a Pro free trial a couple of weeks ago which means I still have access to some of their games. I’m going to spend a good portion of tomorrow getting gameplay footage and figuring out how to make it into a video!

Thanks so much for reading, watching, and supporting! The spooky season cometh!

Grace aka “The Duece”


etc etc

Can't wait for Ouya! That's a super interesting console, and I trust SSFF to produce a video that goes well beyond the years of obvious punchlines. Not to say it isn't also deserving of some punchlines.